
This guide isn’t perfect, nor is the intention that of showing you the best, ultimate way to get to r13 quickly. It’s purpose is to help better prepare you for the “Fun” that is Alchemy.


First off, lemme say that I welcome you to the wonderful world of Alchemy. Now you may think that Alchemy is some massive, evil, scary and overwhelming creature that must be beaten into a pulp to do anything. You would be correct. It’s not for the lazy or the people expecting mass profits for little work. You will sail A LOT, You will do A LOT of minor crafting that gives no prof after awhile to make the nicer things. You will craft A LOT of the same things and once again they will not give you prof after awhile. That’s why alchemy takes so long to grind. Alchemy is repetitive and you must make sure you understand that before you dive into it.


With that said………..
Welcome to Alchemy my fellow maniac!


Quick Jump Prefixes:(Ctrl+F and then type in the code or copy and paste it)

Quest Chain: Just scroll down a bit 😛
Useful Links: -0ul
Alchemy Skills: -0as
Alchemy Boosters: -0ab
Alchemy Aides: -0aa
Alchemy Books: -0abo
Alchemy Experiments: -0ae
Private Farms: -0pf
Dungeons: -0dgn
FAQ: -0faq
Oxford Boosters: -0ob
Storage: -0ss
Tips and Tricks: -0tt
Thank You section: -0ty

Getting Started:

So you’ve read all that and still wanna try tackling Alchemy? Well not so fast! There’s a lovely(and annoying) quest chain that must be done before you can start dabbling in the fine arts of Alchemy! (Because you need to be an Alchemist to even learn the Alchemy skill~)


~Quest Chain~


*You will need a total of 30k Trade and 30k Adventure fame to be able to finish this quest chain. As well as r13 Handicraft, r11 Search, R13 Appraisal and r6 Unlock*

Quest Number 1- Athens, Marseille, Genoa, Venice, Naples Adventure Guild
The request of the Alchemist: Requires Italian and Arabic

Quest Number 2– Athens, Marseille, Genoa, Venice, Naples Adventure Guild
Anima Mundi: Requires Italian and Arabic

Quest Number 3-  Venice, Naples, Athens, Tunis, Istanbul Adventure Guild
Mystery of the Kabala: Requires Italian, Greek and Arabic

Quest Number 4Venice, Naples, Athens, Tunis, Istanbul Adventure Guild
A mysterious text: Requires Rank 6 Search, Rank 8 Appraisal and Rank 6 Unlock

(Requires Investigation of the Pyramids of Giza to do this quest.)

Quest Number 5- Naples, Athens, Tunis, Istanbul Adventure Guild
Philosopher’s Stone: Requires Rank 11 Search, Rank 13 Appraisal and Italian
(Hardest part of the quest chain! Don’t forget 1x Vodka!)

Quest Number 6- Alexandria Merchant’s Guild
Learning from Paracelsus: Requires Italian and  Handicrafts rank 13
(You’ll need a Seal of Salamander and 3 Mercury to complete this quest.)


-Alchemist Job Card Quest-

Quest Number 6*– Alexandria Merchant’s Guild
Fostering the Arts of Alchemy: Requires Italian and Handicrafts rank 13
(You’ll need 3 Sulphur to complete this quest.)

– Master Alchemist Quest-

Quest Number 7*Venice Merchant’s Guild
Letter from the alchemist: Requires Rank 10 Casting, Rank 10 Alchemy and English
(You will need a Basic Alchemy Test Kiln for this quest.)

* quests aren’t part of the actual chain but can be done once the chain has been completed.

Useful links for info (-0ul)

Ivyro Database:

Alchemy Recipes:

Alchemy Experiments(Advanced Alchemy):

Nivlac’s Alchemy Guide:’s_guide_on_Alchemy

Alchemy has some skill requirements to make it easier:(-0as)

: Needed to make experiment materials and used in experiments themselves.

: Needed to make experiment materials and used in experiments themselves.

: Needed to make experiment materials and used in experiments themselves.
-Needed to craft the Alchemist hat and Robe for the Bellows Blower’s Robe/Bellows Blower’s Hat
-Bellow’s Blower’s Set needs the Fuigo Bellows Title
-Needed to craft the Adept’s Robe/Adept’s Biretta
-Adept’s Set needs the Adept Title

Wares Trading
: For buying materials like Lumber, Paper and Iron.
-Super Important support skill for most crafting classes.

Mineral Trading:
Used for buying Iron ore and other smelt-able minerals.
-Useful for buying Copper ore to produce the Copper needed for the Gold making recipe.
-Important Support skill for Casting.

Medicine Trading
: Useful for buying Mandrake.
-A stack of vigor food to collect mandrake is cheaper than using Purchase Order 1 which run about 500k-750k each.
-Mandrake can be collected at the landing point south of Benghazi. People like to collect at the Mammal Bones in that area. You need at least a collection rank of 6 to get Mandrake.
-You will also pick up Vegetable oil which can be sold in company shops.

Metal Trading: For buying Gold, Silver and possibly Gold Dust.
-Gold Dust can be turned into Gold at Havana’s Craftsman with r13 Casting and r5 Handicraft at a 3:3 ratio
-Silver is used in making Seal of Sorcery
-Gold is used in a bit of everything.

Seasoning Trading
: This is all about the Salt.
-All 5 Alchemy Seals take 10-12 salt per Seal depending on where you craft it.
-Crafting from the Memorial Album book takes 12 salt. While crafting from the Alchemist’s Daughter in Alexandria takes 10 salt. Crafting at the Alchemist’s Daughter requires disguise if you are not Ottoman and traveling with precious goods. Just craft from the book~
-Making seals requires Arabic

Crafts Trading: For buying more Glasswork.
-These can be crafted from Crystal.

Jewellry Trading: For buying Crystal to turn into Glasswork for Alchemy mats.
-The only Alchemy mat that needs Crystal is the Flask and the only recipe needing the Flask is Gaseous Drug.
-Crystal can be acquired through drops in Bordeaux Dungeon rather easily.
-Using the Great Success boosts from Oxford greatly reduces the amount of crystal you will need overall.

: Can’t really do Alchemy related things without the skill.
-Alchemy proficiency gains curve off a lot sooner than other recipes do. I’ve noticed that recipes three ranks lower than your rank seem to give very few proficiency points.

: Colored Ores, Mandrake, Sand, Boulders etc.
-This is a primary skill you will use in Alchemy. If you take the time to collect a lot of your own mats, you will save a lot of money.
-This skill is not favored.

: Used in gathering Rabbits* for Exquisite Fur
-Also useful for procuring cooking materials for vigor food.

Arabic: This is a must for making Seals and Rare Books.
-Also needed for Theology amulet quests

: Not a must have, but there are a couple of recipes that use Cooking.
-The ability to make your own vigor food will save you a lot of time and hassle when out collecting Alchemy.
-Alchemy recipes can commonly eat 10-20 vigor a use. So once again, being able to stockpile your own vigor food can prolong crafting.

: Helps get required amulets, scarabs etc for recipes. Not crucial, but helps.
-You would need Search and Unlock also.

Casting*, Handicraft* and Sewing*: If you don’t have the required ranks for experiments, you can leech it off of a fleet member to do experiments.(On a side note, Sewing isn’t super crucial for alchemy aside for experiments themselves. If you have a friendly Tailor in your company, all the better.)
-Alchemy apparatus also require low ranks of Alchemy to create also. Sadly these recipes to not add any Alchemy proficiency.

Rabbits*: To make exquisite fur you need a pasture in your farm that can produce rabbits with a ranch tech level of at least 550. Exquisite fur is used for Gloves/ Boots of Wisdom

Alchemy Boosters(-0ab)
They will make your life easier if you have them. They aren’t life or death, just a nice addition.


Master Alchemist: +1 Alchemy (Expert Skill Bonus)

-R10 alchemy, R10 Casting and English are needed for the quest.
-Lacks trade skills, but favors Casting, Handicrafts and Sewing.

Magic Staff: +1 Alchemy Weapon
-Astro Item

Academic Tam: +1 Alchemy Hat
-Requires Title: Professor of Voyages from Oxford event chain.
-Obtained when you finish the Oxford event chain.

Emerald Tablet: +1 Alchemy Accessory
-Obtained from Grimoire Treasure Hunt

Masters Dress: +1 Alchemy, +1 Sundries Trading, +1 Sociability Clothing
-Currently in the shop for 499 Astro

*Adept’s Robe also offers a +1 to Alchemy but can’t be worn without the title. It interferes with the Academic Tam which requires it’s own title to wear.*

Alchemy Aide(-0aa)

-Has trade skill boosts that benefit Alchemy
-Handicraft +1 boost
-Crafts Assistance skill: Reduces vigor for Handicraft recipes to 4, instead of 5.
FIRE PREVENTION!: Ointments are considered a trade good.
-Collection +1 boost

-Learns the Alchemy bonus a bit later than Beatrice.
-Lacks Arabic

-Gives an Unlock bonus
-Has Arabic
-Learns the Alchemy bonus sooner than Nicola
-Handicraft +1 boost

-Lacks the trade skills that Nicola offers.

Note on Fire Prevention: Fire prevention and similar aide skills need you to have food/water on board for them to activate. Iif you are typically someone who sails around using survival (Like myself), you know how disasters like to pop up out of nowhere. Consider this a little “You’ve been warned“.

Your best option if you feel like braving the harsh rng of disasters is to carry food and water while doing alchemy if you must travel so fire prevention will work.

Your other option is to use fireproof wall on your ships to reduce the loss from unexpected fires that may arise.

Books to make your Alchemy smoother:(-0abo)

Making Experiment Apparatus: Used for r10+ Alchemy experiments.
-Invest around 300k to acquire this book in Cairo.

Basic Alchemy-Secrets: Memorial Album book that will handle all of your basic alchemy needs.
-Items for Memorial Album: Mandrake, Cinnabar,Salt, Silver, Sulphur, Mercury, Western Books and Paper.)

Craftman’s Training Book: Used for r10+ alchemy experiment apparatus.
-Invest 300k in Candia and it’s yours.

Expert craftsman’s training book: Used for r10+ alchemy experiment apparatus.
-Invest 300k in Jaffa and it’s yours.

Making Processed Lumber*: Will help speed up bench making a bit.
-Nassau-NPC Drop. Rare Maroona Fleet in a formation of 4 heavy galleons with red sails.
-*Not needed but helps a bit.

(Lab Benches/Kilns give non experimental recipes also. Make sure to get one ASAP.)

~Alchemy Experiments~(-0ae)
That’s right! A giant section about experiments! Just a little FYI to those who want to jump straight into Alchemy experiments, you can’t. You need at least r10 Alchemy(Boosters count towards this) to be able to do the beginning tier of experiments. You ultimately need r13 Alchemy to access all the experiments available through this crafting feature.
First off is there are two pieces of furniture that you need in order to do experiments.
First is the Kiln:

Next is the Workbench:

Once you have acquired one of each, you can place them in your apartment and they will then be usable for both normal Alchemy recipes and Alchemy Experiments. Accessing the experiments is very simple! Just click on either the kiln or workbench and then click on the Alchemy Experiment button.
After clicking that button you will be brought to each furniture’s respective recipe menu

(Warning: The kiln and workbench offer completely different recipes for experiments. Item combinations are very strict and not paying attention could cause wasted materials/unwanted reactions)

After selecting the experiment you aim to do at the moment, you will be brought to the crafting menu. (I chose the kiln’s white ore recipe and will be making pure iron sheet, improved steel or suspicious lumps)

After about two tries, I managed to get a success and made some pure iron sheets.


Alchemy experiments are not all easy. Some of the rarer items are annoying painful to make. Some of the experimental recipe outcomes can only be achieved through a Great Success. Sadly I don’t have the time at the moment to perform one so you can see the pretty gold letters.

I have included a link in the “Useful Links” section to the advanced alchemy recipes listed on Ivyro. Don’t be intimidated by Alchemy Experiments! They are just another aspect for you to topple as you work you way towards r13.


Personally, I use Diego Garcia because it can produce all colored ore. Very helpful with alchemy seals and experiments later on.

Materials to produce to help with your Alchemy:

Colored Ores: Diego Garcia is best for this! (Red,Black,Yellow,Blue,Green,White)

Rabbits: Exquisite Fur (Which has been already said)

Vegetable Oil: 2nd material for Exquisite Fur.

Salt: Self explanatory if you’ve read this far.

Clay: Useful for grinding to rank 5 from r3 by making Alchemy Pot.
-Alchemy Pots can be used in experiments down the road.

Spring Water: Only found on Farms.
-Needed for Undine Seals.


Yes, dungeons can supply you with alchemy materials also. This is more for people who like to run dungeons. These are the dungeons I generally run for things.

Upper Syracuse: Clay, Purchase Order 1(rare drop on last floor)

Upper Bordeaux: White ore, Crystal, Gold, Purchase Order 2 and Purchase Order 3

Middle Bordeaux: Purchase Order 3, Purchase Order 4(rare drop), Gold and Caustic Lime(for kilns)

Leshan Upper: Purchase Order 1 drop uncommonly.
-Seems to be one of the better dungeons for Purchase Order 1.

(Any Dungeon runners willing to give me info about drops for alchemy  supplies would be greatly appreciated)


Q: How am I suppose to make money with Alchemy? I seem to be making a lot of stuff at first and not selling anything.

A: Sell the by-products of your labor:

-If you are out collecting mandrake, you can sell your veggie oil for about 30k-50k a pop in company shops.

-Stockpiled too many ointments or concentrates? See if you can get a price check of what they currently go for and sell some of them

-Run out of concentrates/ointments? Company Shop your leftover ores/mats that are easily resupplied.

-Sell experiment apparatus that other Alchemist would use.

-Do not bother selling seals. No one really seems to buy them. Turn them into ointments and use them with stuff that could sell.

Q: I’ve found two seals that you don’t seem to mention in your guide anywhere. They are the Seal of Condemnation and Seal of Valkyrie. Are they of any use?

A: Nope~ Have no use in Alchemy at all.


A: That’s not a question….but Alchemy isn’t for everyone. You have to be stubborn and dedicated to it. Take breaks and come back after awhile.

Q: Are you gonna list the most efficient way to rank alchemy in this guide?

A: Nope, not the point of this. I just wanted to post a general “How to prepare for Alchemy guide”. I couldn’t give you a more efficient way than what’s already been put in other guides.

Q: 100 defense Fool’s Hands….

A: No! Make your own!

Q: Is there an easy way to get seals aside from making them?

A: Good question! Actually there is!
Salvage can award seals. I think you can get every seal but Sylph from wrecks. So befriend a Salvager or do your own.
-Certain Alchemy Experiments can create suspicious lumps which can also award any Alchemy seal(even Sylph)

Q: Where do Clay and Spring Water come from?

A: Well…
-Clay can be won in upper Syracuse from chests.

-Clay can also be made available by building mines that can produce it on your farm.

-Spring Water comes only from certain Irrigated Fields on your farms.

Increase Production Success Rate 1,2,3,4: I would say these 4 are the most important boosters for alchemy until you do experiments. They have absolutely no effect on experiments themselves. More mats from Great Success = more possible experiments later on.

Field Activity 1,2: Easy 5 trade goods with each collection? Yes please.

Item Improvement Techniques: Must have for tempering Fool’s hands, Leather Boots or Weapons.(Extra 1-5 defense or attack)

Storing all your stuff:(-0ss)

You won’t be able to. There’s just so much stuff needed in alchemy that storage just becomes a problem. Alchemy Ointments are considered a trade good and that hinders storage of other trade goods in your apartment. (You are also stuck with a +3 trade good storage item because lab benches are a must, as are kilns for experiments)

*If push comes to shove, just make alts for storage. It’s not pretty, but it helps A LOT.*

Lab Benches: This is a furniture that gives you +1 to +3 trade good storage and is used for basic alchemy recipes. Also used in Experiments later on.
Basic Lab Bench +1 Trade good storage
Alchemy Lab Bench +2 Trade good storage
Enhanced Lab Bench +3 trade good storage

Kilns: Furniture giving +1 to +3 consumables storage and gives the same recipes a lab bench does. Offers different Experiments!
Basic Alchemy Test Kiln +1 Consumables
Alchemy Test Kiln +2 Consumables
Adv. Alchemy Test Kiln +3 Consumables

Tips and Tricks (-0tt)

A section for stuff you might not realize you can make with Alchemy and Alchemy experiments that might be interesting. There’s more to Alchemy than Fool’s hands~You can find these in various recipes in the “Alchemy” and “Alchemy Experiments” link below.

Suspicious Lumps: These little bad boys have a chance at dropping seals or improved steel sheets. They also have a chance of dropping trash like steel cannonballs or catapults also. But alchemy is a game of chance and why not continue with the gamble~

My personal favorite recipe for Suspicious Lumps is the White ore recipe. Takes 30 White ore, 1 Experiment pot (from Making experiment apparatus ) and 1 Terra Extract with a Kiln. Which in turn can yield: 3 Improved steel sheet , 3 Pure iron sheet or 2 Suspicious Lump

Next up is Special sail paint 9. Christmas themed sail paint for those who wanna be festive anytime.

Knife losing its gold is another item people tend to overlook or not know of. By itself, it’s useless. It has one purpose though, the Gold short sword.
-The Gold short sword is the only +1 Wares trading weapon in the game.
Gold Sword is another crafting weapon that is transmuted  from Gold-plated armour.
-It’s the only weapon to give a +1 to Mineral trading.

Gold-plated Helmet is a non class bound helm that can boast a nifty defense depending on the “Great Success” improvement made.

Same can be said for it’s Silver-plated Armour variant the Silver-plated Helmet , which has +1 assault instead of +1 guard.

I’d like to give a big “Thank You” to people who have helped me with my guide: BlackC, VoxHumbug, BlackOceanMercs, BW_Panda, Ivyro, Google, Loskaos, Tamandare, Koei, OGP, NM and anyone else in the UWO community I somehow missed.(-0ty)